From Vicki's Face Book Wall:
"Nursery Rhyme"
"For every problem under the sun there is a solution or there is none. If there be one, think til you find it, if there be none, then never mind it."
Mother’s Hands
They cradled me at infancy
Even the day that I was born
Cleaned my nose and warmed my cheeks
On a cold December morn
Wiped my tears and patted my head
When I scraped and cut my knee
Gave me a little boost
When I tried to climb a tree
They fed, clothed, and bathed me
Till I could stand alone
Then graciously were clasp in prayer
As I made my way from home
Always open to greet me
Whenever I return
Come to rest upon my shoulder
In answer to my concern
They give tenderness and compassion
At times when I need it most
Strength when I am weary
Love when I am lost
So, whenever I find I am doubting
Needing to think on things which last
I recall two gifts given freely to me
And remember my Mother’s hands
For you Hon ~ Happy Mother's Day, May 9, 2010
Love You Always, Griz
The Things I Will Miss About You
Your infectious laugh throughout the day. You picking me a wildflower bouquet. A hot cup of coffee, shared early in the day. The help you would give, on the farm, on a hot summers day. The comfort gave to those who are sick. The way you would hike the hills, with a walking stick! The recipes we shared, the cloths that we didn't. The leeks that we dug, and hugs that were unlimited. The late night talks and cookies we baked. The dinners we shared on holidays! The freinds and wine, the dwindling of time. The looks and books and things we would cook. The stopping and shopping, of antiques and more. The rare finds of the day, not bought at a store. The hard work in the garden, the planting and tilling. An ice cold beer and steaks that are grilling! The magazines read and the pets we fed. The shared chores we had, like making a bed. The stories, the memories, the talks on the phone. No matter where you were, this was home. The kids, the laughter, card games that we played. The songs we sang and the gifts we made. These memories I will keep, now that you sleep. Deep in my heart, until once again we shall meet! 03/28/2010 by Kathy Allen
True Blue
A friend of yours came by today, he missed you more than I can say. We hugged, we talked, we even cried. I answered all of his questions, why? I showed him some of your photographs. We talked of memories that made us laugh. We talked of friends and family, we talked of things that shouldn't be. But mostly we talked of you, all the things that you could do. As true blue friends, that was, he, me and you. We promised we would keep in touch, gather for dinners and picnics and such. I new you would want us to stay in touch. And then he said he had to go, we hugged again, friends of old. 03/21/2010 By Kathy Allen
In Loving Memory of Vicki for Dennis Linza
Now I lay me down to sleep, but I lay awake upon my sheets. If I could only close my eyes, shut off my thoughts, don't wonder, why? But that won't happen, just not yet, unanswered questions, I must regret. I still have plans I want to keep, the thought of them, runs very deep. So while I am awake, these plans of mine, I will never forsake. 03/21/2010 By Kathy Allen
In Loving Memory of Vicki