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Vicki Hollister
Nacido enNew York
51 years
Dean Perry
Remebering you on your earthly birthday. Trust you are enjoying eternity! Love, Griz
to: Vicki Hollister
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Árbol Genealógico
margaret ludwig i wish i had relly knew her well April 27, 2010

I only knew Vicki for a short time she was my room mate in the hospital in feburary i was in the room first she was brought in on sunday night feb 14th we talked and laughed till  one in the morning she brought a whole new feel to the room i was starting to get really depressed with the whole hospital thing  and she made the rest of my stay so much better we agreed to keep in touch when Michelle e-mailed me and told me of vicki's death i didn't know what to do my heart just cryed as well as my eye's i had lost a beautiful new friend we talked about god and heaven what it might be like and now i konw she's walking in that beautiful place.

KyleAnn Cole Saddened April 19, 2010

Wow, I don't even know how to put into words the sorrow I am feeling at this very moment.   Michelle contacted me tonight and told me the sad news.   Vicki was truely a wonderful person, and I shall miss her sense of humor and her love of the Lord that she shared with me through her email.   May the good Lord be with you all at this very sad time.  Keep Him close and He will get you through it...  Remember... If God brings you to it... He'll bring you through it. 

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